As I sit here in breath takingly
beautiful Burlington, Vermont, I think of my love of music,
in playing it and in listening to and appreciating it. I am
in the process of moving up here from DC to clear my consciousness
of the madness and traffic that is our nation's capitol. Don't
get me wrong, I love DC but I am just ready for change, on
many different levels.
Redpants and the Sugarman is
also ready for change. As
I am moving up here and, as the name says, have fifty percent
custody of this baby, some things must be decided. To
call it quits, to go on... Should I stay or should I go...
But, as I think about it I fall to the conclusion of thenotion
of the thought to just let it be and sort of ferment into
whatever it becomes.RPSM grew out of a friendship and will
always be rekindled at the end of a phone line,email message
or when we are face to face or in front of a captive audience.
So to end here I will just say...
Don't think that you have heard the end of
REDPANTS and the SUGARMAN we'll be back...
maybe sooner than you think!